Vena Cava Lavender Hydrosol

Vena Cava Lavender Hydrosol


This copper-distilled hydrosol is freshly harvested from a farm in Northern Washington. Lavender hydrosol offers cooling, calming repair to distressed, inflammed skin. Harmonizing and replenishing to all skin types, with a special affinity for those with acne and rosacea.

Like all high-quality, copper distilled hydrosols, it hydrates deeply and balances the ph of the skin beautifully. It can supplement or replace your toner in the second step of your skincare routine. It is one product that you can’t overdo, as it gently hydrates and harmonizes skin. This hydrosol is incredibly protective and its aroma is soothing and honey-sweet—a far cry from all of the synthetic lavender fragrance out there.

Hydrated skin glows beautifully, and hydrosol offers instant, deep hydration. Those of us who have been using hydrosols for years are well aware of the mood-soothing benefits—delivered through the water-soluble properties of healing plants, hydrosols bring subtle, vibrational, yin, energetics to our psyche as well as our skin.

Vena Cava hydrosols are imparted with the added benefit of flower essences. Not to be confused with essential oils, flower essences are subtle, vibrational remedies to address specific, profound issues of emotional well-being, soul development, and mind-body health. While flower essences are most often taken internally, they are also highly effective in topical remedies.

Each Vena Cava hydrosol is infused with a special blend of flower essences to enhance their healing properties. When channeling the flower essences to bring into Lavender hydrosol, I felt called to work with essences that deal directly with the skin, and our emotional landscape in relation to our skin. So, while these essences are especially chosen for acne, anyone can benefit from their wisdom healing qualities.

Cherry (N. America) Youthful joy and exuberance, feelings of innocence and openness; celebrating the threshold of adolescence; healing and integration of painful experiences in adolescence. Heals toxic blood or related skin conditions such as acne; loss of innocence, hope or youthful outlook on life; traumatic life experiences in adolescence that continue to plague the body/soul identity.

Crab Apple (Bach/England) Cleansing and restorative, bringing a sense of inner purity. Heals feeling unclean and impure, needing to release physical or psychic toxicity; also: obsessed with imperfection or cleansing/wellness rituals.

Pretty Face (N. America) Radiant inner beauty; self-acceptance in relation to personal appearance despite blemishes or pressure to strive for unattainable beauty standards.

Read more about flower essences here and here. If you are feeling inspired to connect more deeply with flower essences, consider booking a consultation.

This page contains excerpts from Flower Essence Society, written by Patricia Kaminski and Richard Katz-pioneering researchers in flower essences and authors of Flower Essence Repertory.  I am deeply grateful to the decades of work Richard and Patricia have offered to researching and creating these remedies in the true spirit of Dr. Bach’s legacy. It is with their permission and blessings that I include them in my hydrosol creations.

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

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